
Check our services status at a glance

Title http10 network issues
ID Operation #95
State completed
Beginning date 04/02/2013 1:54 a.m.
End date 04/02/2013 11:56 p.m.
Affected servers
  • http10


04/02/2013 2:01 a.m.

The server is suffering from a DDoS attack.

04/02/2013 2:05 a.m.

The attack seems to have stopped for now.

04/02/2013 7:10 a.m.

The attack is back.

04/02/2013 7:25 a.m.

Since the attack is coming and going, the server can be temporarily unreachable.

04/02/2013 4:41 p.m.

No new attack since the last message. There were 3 attacks during the night, for a total downtime of 23 minutes.

04/02/2013 9:21 p.m.

We’ve had another attack. We’re testing mitigation solutions.

04/02/2013 9:34 p.m.

We’re quite confident that we’re now able to mitigate this attack.